Sunday, August 31, 2014

HIT Legs/Shoulders Workouts

Sorry for not posting the next segment of HIT program yesterday; watching college football got the best of me:) Anyways, here are the three legs/shoulders workouts that I will be performing over the next few months (Today, I will be doing #2).

Legs/Shoulders Workout #1

  • Barbell Squats (2 sets + Dropset) (First goal is to hit 10 reps, increase weight next time and strive for six reps, then use that weight again next session with a goal of eight reps) 
  • Hex-Bar Deadlift (1 set) (Same repetition goal as above)
  • Leg Curl (1 set) (Hit 10-12 reps initially, can't move up until hit 15+)
  • Calf Press (1 set) (Same repetition goal as leg curl)
  • Military Press (1 set + Dropset) (Same repetition goal as barbell squats)
  • Dumbbell Front Raise (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal) 
  • Dumbbell Lateral Raise (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Dumbbell Lying T's (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Barbell Shrugs (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • 15 mins of HIT on treadmill 
Legs/Shoulders Workout #2
  • Leg Press (1 set) (3 Strikes) (Perform exercise at given weight for 14-17 reps, take a 30 second second rest then hit 5-8 reps, after one more 30 second break, press again for 3-5 reps)
  • Leg Extensions (1 set) (10, 8, 6) (Perform exercise with right leg for 10 reps, then use left leg for another 10 reps. Immediately after doing 10 reps on each leg, perform eight, and then six).
  • Hip Adduction (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Dumbbell Calf Raises (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Shoulder Press (1 set) (1-6 progression) (Do one repetition, and hold at top for 10 seconds, then two repetitions, and then hold for 10 seconds. This will be performed all the way up to six repetitions). 
  • T Combo (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • EZ Bar Upright Row (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • 15 mins of incline treadmill walk
Legs/Shoulders Workout #3
  • Front Squats (2 sets + Dropset) (Same repetition goal as barbell squats)
  • Lying Leg Curl (1 set) (Crazy 8's) (Lift weight in two seconds, lower the weight in eight seconds)
  • Hip Abduction (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Smith Machine Calf Press (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press (1 set + Dropset) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • EZ Bar Front Raise (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Lateral Raise Machine (1 set) (8 in 8) (Lift weight in eight seconds, and then lower the weight in eight seconds)
  • Seated Bent Over Rear Delt Raise (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Dumbbell Shrugs (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • 15 mins of HIT StairMaster
The back/biceps routine of the HIT program will be posted tomorrow morning!

Friday, August 29, 2014

HIT Chest/Triceps Workouts

   As promised, for the next three days I will be revealing each split of my new HIT program. From the first three workouts alone, I can already say that I haven't felt this sore in a long time. It's crazy to realize just how much punishment can occur from performing one set of an exercise until temporary muscle failure!

   With that being said, here are the three chest/triceps workouts I will be cycling through during this fall semester!

Chest/Triceps Workout #1

  • Barbell Bench Press (1 set + Dropset) (First goal is to hit 10 reps, increase weight next time and strive for six reps, then use that weight again next session with a goal of eight reps) 
  • Incline Bench Press (1 set + Dropset) (Same repetition goal as above)
  • Dumbbell Flys (1 set) (Hit 10-12 reps initially, can't move up until hit 15+)
  • EZ Bar Skull Crushers (1 set) (Same repetition goal as flys)
  • Tricep Rope Pulldown (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Hip Flexion (With dumbbell) (1 set)  (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Russian Twists (With dumbbells/weight plates) (Assistor repetition goal)
Chest/Triceps Workout #2
  •  Incline Dumbbell Press (1 set + Dropset) (Hit 10-12 reps initially, can't move up until 15+ reps are reached)
  • Flat Dumbbell Press (1 set) (4x4) (Four reps together, 4 reps on left side, 4 reps on right side, 4 together) (1 set = 16 repetitions)
  • Pushups (1 set)
  • DB Skull Crushers (Tic tac Toe + Close Grip Press) (1 repetition = 1 rep on left side, 1 rep on right side, then 1 rep together) (1 set = 6/7 repetition) (After skull crusher set is complete, use the same dumbbells and perform close grip presses until failure)
Chest/Triceps Workout #3
  • Decline Bench (1 set + Dropset) (Same protocol as flat barbell/incline bench)
  • Machine Chest Press (1 set) (Crazy 8s) (1 set = 8/10 repetitions) (Lift weight in two seconds, lower the weight in eight seconds)
  • Incline Dumbbell Flys (1 set) (Assitor repetition goal)
  • Tricep Extension  Machine (1 set) (6, 8, 10) (Perform an exercise at a given weight for six reps, decrease weight and do eight reps, decrease again for 10 reps)
  • Tricep Triangle Pulldown (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Ab Machine (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
  • Cable Crunch With Oblique Twist (1 set) (Assistor repetition goal)
   Feel free to leave comments or ask questions! Tomorrow, I will post the legs/shoulders workouts!

Thursday, August 28, 2014

HIT Training Program Basics

The equation to achieve muscle growth is simple.

 Consistent training + proper nutrition + adequate recovery = Growth

Unfortunately, earning this result is not easy. However, it is CERTAINLY possible.

As the fall semester is now in full swing, I hope to see more growth through following a training program that I created that is based off the scientific research I constantly read during my summer strength and conditioning internship.

My new training approach will based on the following:
  • Four-day split (chest/triceps, legs/shoulders, back/biceps, rest)
  • Performing one set of exercise (squat is exception) until temporary muscle failure. 
  • Compound exercises will be performed initially at one set of 10 with a drop set to follow. After a set of 10 at a given weight is completed, the weight will be increased by 15 pounds (upper-body), or 20 pounds (lower-body) in attempt to hit the new weight for six repetitions. When accomplished, the next goal is to hit that same weight for eight repetitions. After that, the next goal is to hit a lighter weight (but heavier than the initial set of 10) for 10 repetitions. The cycle then repeats. (This method was based off a very intelligent training partner!) 
  • Assistance exercises will have a target of initially 10-12 repetitions. After 12 reps are hit, 12-15 is the new goal. The weight shall not be increased until both 12 and 15 repetitions are accomplished.
  • Some of the assistance exercises will have different protocols from the bullet point above. Those will be explained on an exercise by exercise basis.  
  • The assitor lifts are also different than the compound lifts in that they will emphasize "time under tension" (key to muscle growth). This will be done through lifting the weight in two-seconds (concentrically), while lowering the weight in four-seconds (eccentrically). This is done because an individual is 40% stronger lowering the weight rather than lifting it.
  • Each split of the routine has three workouts, and will be cycled through. (This week was workout #1 & #2, next week will be #3 and #1.
Now that the central themes of the program has been revealed, each set of three workouts (chest/triceps), (legs/shoulders). and (back/biceps) will be posted over the next three days. So be on the lookout tomorrow for the chest/tricep workouts! 

Also starting an Instagram account this weekend, which will include some footage from this weekend's upcoming workouts, as well as what I eat on a daily basis.  GET PUMPED! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

High-Intensity Training

It is safe to say that my summer as a high-school strength and conditioning intern was one of the best experiences of my life. Not only did I realize what I believe to be is my "calling" in life (working with kids) through this internship, I was also able to see first-hand of a unique strength training approach that truly works.

Since I started seriously lifting at 18, my fitness mentality was based solely off Arnold Schwarzenegger's philosophy of "performing infinite sets for what seemed like endless hours." As much as this helped me become a gym rat, my internship experience made me realize that there might be more effective approaches out there.

What if you could get the same results from performing one set of an exercise as you could from performing multiple sets? Initially, reading the previous statement won't make sense, because doing something more always leads to better results right? Ironically, my intern boss explained to me that this is not the case in training. By performing high volume training, it's much more difficult to lift the same amount of weight over multiple sets. On top of that, one will need much more rest time in between workouts to truly recover from the past workout. So why perform multiple sets if it's harder to lift more weight, as well as having to take more time off before lifting again? Based on these thoughts, I have now became a firm-believer in high-intensity training (HIT). HIT worked for both Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer. If it worked for this bodybuilding legends, then I certainly believe that it can work for me. 

Like both Yates, and Mentzer, I am now performing one set of each exercise until temporary muscular failure. By lifting until failure, one can never question if he/she could have done another repetition. Science has shown that one set training can build as much muscle (if not more) than multiple set workouts, so I thought this approach would be fun to try. I performed this type of training twice a week during the summer with a former NFL strength and conditioning coach, and I felt more sore after these lifts than ever before. This type of training also makes it easier to know when to progress (which I will explain in future posts), as well as made me feel stronger than ever. 

I'm really excited about this type of training, and I can't wait to let you guys know of my results. Be on the lookout for my workout plan/as well as my diet regime during this period in the next few weeks!