Monday, June 9, 2014

Strength Program: Weeks 5 & 6

After a successful two weeks of 4x5 sets for the compound exercises, the weights continue to get heavier while the reps decrease in the next stage of my program. Each compound lift is suppose to be completed for a minimum of four repetitions and a maximum of six reps (At least for today anyways my target goal was four reps). For the first time in the program, the intensity of the assistor exercises also increase while the repetitions decrease to ten. 

Some exercises for these weeks have also changed. I eliminated dumbbell bent-over rows, and instead will be performing dumbbell one-armed rows on both back days. I also have decided to make front squats an assistor exercise rather than try to max out on it. I didn't really see the point to attempt to max out on both front squats and back squats, and would rather use the front squat as a way to improve my back squat. 

Weeks 5&6

Bench Press (4x4-6)
Incline Bench (4x4-6)
DB Flys (3x10)
Skull Crushers/Close Grip Combo (3x10)
Overhead Pulley Tricep Extensions (3x10)
Dips (3xF)
Leg Raises /DB Ball Twists (2x25)
Tuesday (Back/Bis)
Bent Over BB Rows (4x10)
Lat Pulldowns (3x10) (2x5)
One-Armed DB Rows (3x10)
Barbell Curls (4x10)
Dumbbell Hammers (3x10)
DB Concentration Curls (3x10)
DB Forearm Twists (3x20)
Decline Sit-Ups (3x25)
Wednesday (Legs/Shoulders)
Barbell Squats (4x4-6)
Barbell Deadlifts (4x4-6)
Step Ups (3x10) 
Leg Extensions (3x10) (Pause)
Leg Curls (3x10) (Pause)
LP Calf Raises (3x25)
Clean and Press (4x4-6) 
DB Shoulder Press (3x10)
DB Front Raise/Lateral Raise (3x10)
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise (Head on Bench) (3x10)
Cable Crunch (3x25)
Thursday (Chest/Tris)
Bench Press (4x4-6)+ (DS)
Incline Bench (4x4-6) + (DS)
Machine Flys (3x10)
Close Grip Bench (3x10)
DB Skull Crushers (3x10)
Tricep Rope Pulldowns (3x10)
LR/Med Ball Twists (2x25)  (Each)

Friday (Back/Bis)
BB Bent Over Rows (4x10)
Lat Pulldowns (3x10) + Dropset
DB One-Armed Rows  (3x10)
Barbell Curls (4x10)
Incline Dumbbell Curls (3x10)
Incline Concentration Curls (3x10)
DB Forearm Holds (3 for 45 seconds)
AB Machine (3x25)

Saturday (Legs/Shoulders)
Barbell Deadlifts (4x4-6)
Front Squats (3x10)
Leg Extensions (3x10) (Pause)
Leg Curls (3x10) (Pause)
SM Calf Raises (3x25)
Military Press (4x4-6)
DB Bradford press (3x10)
DB Isolated Front Raise/Lateral Raise (3X10)
Bent Over Rear Delt Raise (on bench) (3x10)
Leg Raises/Med Ball Twists (2x25) (2x15) (each)

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