Friday, January 30, 2015

Working on that Form

As I mentioned last week, form over weight.

It's not about how much you can lift, but rather HOW you lift.

Today was my first leg day session where I applied some new techniques that hopefully will improve my form. For starters, I made my grip more narrow, as well as put the bar primarily on my traps, instead of on the base of my neck. By placing the bar on my traps, I felt that it was easier to keep my upper back tight during the movement.

I did four sets of five at 185lbs, 195lbs, 205lbs, and 215lbs. The weight wasn't too difficult, but I feel like I still need to work on not falling forward. Is my chest up enough during the movement? Overall; however, I felt good about this form, and I feel like it'll only get better over time.




Let me know what you think, and how I can improve!

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